The questions below can be discussed after the lecture Accountability of journalists. They can also be used for group work.
- How would you describe journalists’ general reputation in your country?
- Why do you think journalists have a rather low reputation in many countries?
- Can you think of any news story that you have read or watched on television, which according to your opinion was a poor or wrong piece of journalism?
- Can you think of any news story that you have read or watched on television, which according to your opinion was an excellent piece of journalism?
- What should the editors and the newsrooms do to improve public trust in news media?
- User generated content is becoming increasingly important, not only in social media but also in professional news media. Point out what benefits and what challenges this raises in the credibility of news media.
- Can pictures in some cases be misleading or manipulative? In what way?
- If you should write one ethical rule to be implemented in the Code of Media Ethics, what would it be like?
“It is important to point out that there is a crucial difference between harming people to reveal significant information, and doing it to make money. The first is an ethical conflict, the second is an ethical violation.”
Torsten Thurèn