The questions below can be follow-up assignments after the students have got knowledge about and reflected on gender in a human rights perspective.
The work can be done individually or in groups. The students may choose to create a media production. It might be a Long Read published either on Creatavist or on Tilda. The task might take a few days to prepare. Feedback on the media pieces might be individual through e-mail, or provided at a plenary session in the classroom. A good idea is also to publish the pieces on websites of friendly organisations.
Below are some examples for media productions the students can prepare:
- Analysing contemporary gender issues in their own or in other countries. What are the most discussed issues and challenges? How do we make a good and professional media production?
- Addressing gender issues in a historic perspective. In their own homeland or other countries. Has the development been positive or negative? Why?
- Interview activists or politicians who work with gender issues. What do they experience in their work? What are the main obstacles?
- Analyse the latest report from your government to the UN Committee on the Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination against Women. What problems and main challenges are raised? Have NGOs working on women’s rights sent so-called “shadow reports”? If yes: what are the main challenges they address?
- Find cases or advertisements in newspaper or magazines that
1) confirm and strengthen gender stereotypes
2) question, or have the aim of reducing gender stereotypes - Find examples of media cases that have highlighted human rights issues connected to gender.
In the field of media advertising, gender is very often objectified. The session leader may show some illustrative examples to the students. What do they think about the pictures? Can they find similar cases?